open to attack; susceptible to attack
Time: 0:27
Better to be hated, than loved, loved, loved for what you're not
You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable
You are not a robot
Time: 0:49
Into a riddle of her heart
She's so vulnerable, like china in my hands
She's so vulnerable, and I don't understand
Time: 0:50
Whose love feels like a rodeo, knows just how to take control
When I'm vulnerable, he's straight-talking to my soul
Conversation overload, got me feeling vertigo
Time: 1:06
Con el valor de pedirte perdón
Tan vulnerable frente a tu reacción
Ojalá y quieras
Time: 0:47
Vessel stabbed, next up, volunteers
Vulnerable, wisdom can't adhere
A truant finds home
Time: 0:11
When you touch me
I get vulnerable
In a different light, oh no
Time: 2:22
Using the waves of sound a true master paralyzes his opponent
Leaving him vulnerable to an attack, Mr. Hahn
Time: 1:59
Aunque me ocultes la verdad
Más vulnerable
Este es un día especial
Time: 1:01
To heal me, heal me, my dear Breña
It's all right
Time: 0:51
Y ahora estoy aquí
Tu amigo vulnerable
No puedo seguir