attentive; carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger
Time: 1:15
My head is racing, plead your innocence
You're not guilty, I'm hyper vigilant
I'm getting bad again (I'm getting bad again)
Time: 0:05
I'll be the drive in my own life
Vigilant, self-assured
I know that makes you hard
Time: 2:32
Time to live, time for life
We must be vigilant and strong within this war
You cannot die, you have to live, that's what it's for
Time: 0:16
He likes to hit reply
He's incredibly vigilant
Hair with the feathered wings
Time: 1:15
And your eyes speaking in tongues
Vigilant still filling my lungs
Testing my will
Time: 4:16
Stands triumphant
Heaven sent, be vigilant
Don't relinquish
Time: 0:26
Perhaps you should not be listening at all
Twitch the vigilant lips
Make a slow, sour face
Time: 0:20
Don't make me pull you out of his bed
I am vigilant that it will not be you
On the menu he's serving up for his friends
Time: 0:34
Imposed observance. Sentries in the sky
Vigilant lenses. Objectives belied
In blackened heavens covertly they hide
Time: 0:17
I'll be vigilant, I'll be silent
Yes, no one will know