weaken; destroy property or hinder normal operations
Time: 1:27
Let them all be reminded
Don't let them undermine
Your dreams can never be stolen
Time: 2:24
Believe what you want to, the cycle stays the same
In light of my ability to undermine
I walk away from apathy, I'm feeling fine
Time: 0:03
Undermine, undermine, undermine
Undermine, undermine, undermine
Time: 0:47
I tried and tried.
But you undermine me
And I start to be sensible
Time: 2:10
It's a free trip down to London for a weekend of high life.
They'll wine you; dine you; undermine you --- better not bring the wife --- be a quizz kid.
Be a whizz kid.
Time: 0:58
Ooh, feel the rebels heed
Revolution undermines belief
My eyes have seen this shit before
Time: 0:06
I know you'd like that too
The stuff that undermines
The best of me and you
Time: 0:43
And when the phone rang only once she took a dreadful fright
Little things just seem to undermine her confidence in him
He was late this time last week
Time: 0:57
Yes, all over town
There are people who would undermine you if they could
Don't let them in
Time: 2:39
When you try to touch the sun?
Undermine the underground
You're too old to care, you're too young to count