hold; hold back within
Time: 0:45
How does your body retain blood?
You're my decomposing love
Time: 0:00
And I know more
But I retain less
Retain less
Time: 1:55
You're the one I like best, you retain my interest
You're the only one
Time: 0:36
Called her on the tele, conversation were simple
Ain't playing game, my game, retain the tempo
And things, no shame, two sparks turned into flames
Time: 5:30
This highlands layer of mystery
Retains a lost world? s empathy
Resilient to discovery
Time: 1:32
It seems because through time and space
Though names may change, each face retains the mask it wore
Time: 2:52
I rise up
Knowledge I retain
Well, yeah, they say "I'm out the game"
Time: 0:44
Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape
In warfare, there are no constant conditions
Time: 1:42
Though you've grown beyond your years
You still retain the fears of youth
Oh, little Jeannie
Time: 2:15
Ever to descend
You retain a desolated frown
In this hour of distress