dominate; be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
Time: 1:59
Someday at Christmas, man will not fail
Hate will be gone and love will prevail
Someday a new world that we can start
Time: 0:29
No man, no madness
Though their sad power may prevail
Can possess, conquer, my country's heart
Time: 0:01
I Prevail – By Chevelle Franklyn
By the blood of Jesus
Time: 1:11
Weep no more (weep no more)
We will prevail (we will prevail)
Grieve no more (grieve no more)
Time: 1:02
As God is my witness
I will prevail until the end of days
Time: 0:57
Before you set your sails
Oh, it's an occupation where the wind prevails
Before you set your sails
Time: 2:11
The principles have been betrayed
The dreams's gone stale, but still, let hope prevail
History's debt won't be repaid
Time: 1:18
God is not dead nor doubt he sleeps
The wrong shall fail the right prevail
With peace on earth goodwill to men
Time: 0:43
Like hearts made of diamonds
Love will prevail
Put a little wind in your sail
Time: 1:52
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on Earth, good will to men"