status; a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.
Time: 1:29
Every musician's fan, after the curtain comes down
She waits at backstage doors, for those who have prestige
Who promise fortune and fame, a life that's so carefree
Time: 0:50
It did things to me (it's not real)
Had to take prestige (it's not me)
I can't feel a thing (suffering)
Time: 2:23
Mujeres, mano' arriba que eso e' mío (dale)
Un par de blone' 'e cripycillo, again (prestige)
Ya estamos en la disco
Time: 1:15
All I want is you, I want to be your natural man
I don't need your prestige 'cause I got my pride, that's enough
I don't need your social standing
Time: 0:25
You need your stars, even killers have prestige
Access to a living you will not see
Time: 0:10
Kee pa a poorer for tea
Solar prestige a gammon
Lantern or turbert paw kwee
Time: 0:40
Just like peas in the pod
But we are more prestige, I mean (I mean)
Very cerebral, very cere-
Time: 2:38
Your prestige is clear as day
But I can scrape the sewer bilge and
Time: 2:39
You're gonna make some plastic surgeon a rich man
Oh, but the prestige and the glory
Another human interest story
Time: 0:36
It makes me able to say
You got the prestige status
You've got the majority mass