calm; (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
Time: 1:14
Missed that Hudson River line
Took a train up to Lake Placid
That's another place and time, where
Time: 3:15
Frozen in time, I'm a specimen pinned to my throne
With an army of butterflies pilloried placid and prone
Time: 0:10
Thoughts replaced by a placid romance
Without movement, I can't escape
Time: 0:32
We wake up different, rifle through our dreams
Another placid day, ripples at the seams
Do you think I bow out 'cause I think you're right?
Time: 2:45
(Limp walk with lean)
Take Godzilla and the gator from Lake Placid
Manufacturing in a fashion, mashin', mobbin', stabbin'
Time: 0:20
Took the boat to the hacienda
Through swimming pools, oh, so placid
Saw Redd Foxx, took a hit of acid
Time: 0:35
Walking the strip
Sweet, soft and placid
Offering their youth
Time: 1:32
I guess it's just
Lake Placid Blues
I turned eighteen and left that part of the country
Time: 0:43
Hey, there's you
With placid eyes, oblivious to what's to come
They locked you up
Time: 1:57
And the village is proud of him in his decline
At the sight of that placid and bland physiognomy
When he sits in the sun on the vicarage wall