harmful; exceedingly harmful
Time: 1:57
Oh, hear the call from the grave beyond
Oh, so pernicious, her soul it creates song
As there is no man that is here upon the Earth
Time: 0:00
I'm wise enough to know
These promises pernicious
The fruit of what was sown
Time: 1:53
Feel my pestilent hands
Pernicious touch
My ruinous arms embracing you
Time: 1:09
And regulate you
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
Time: 1:27
Violent insurgency, pernicious way of life
Bone displacement surgery, division with an axe
Time: 2:09
No room for maybes, we're partners in crime
A fallen angel, sweet and pernicious
You're my delicious unholy wine
Time: 3:16
Neurally numbed, a narcosis so trans-lucid,
So pernicious, halluciagenics,
Procreating, ocular contorting,
Time: 2:19
Above all the infamous, wicked circus of the fools
And if I really want to know how the pernicious stay on top
Oh they don't break, no they don't fake
Time: 2:08
Time: 0:53
Enter the archaic abattoir
Exiled to a pernicious wasteland
My gray matter a thirst