showy; intended to attract notice and impress others
Time: 0:51
But she was on a 48-hour fast, just water and black tea
And I walked straight up and made an ostentatious contribution
And I winked at her to tell her I'd seduce her in the future
Time: 0:20
Words of power, your ryhmes are unconfounding so death's your fate
Ostentatious genius, of rappin
Is mentally clappin to take hip-hop back, thats what's happenin
Time: 1:01
Of this melodious dirge
Ostentatious triumphalism
Impressarios of despair
Time: 1:56
Still rising enterprising young entrepreneur
Ostentatious globe-trotting out with Lira Galore (Young Coco)
Six mill I'm born I told them they can keep the change