choose; select as an alternative over another
Time: 1:16
You'll find someone ...
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out
I founded the club she's heard great things about
Time: 0:23
Știu prea bine cum ne-ar sta
Pe-un pat cu patru picioare și ale noastre opt
Hainele nu-s necesare le dăm jos de tot
Time: 3:39
I don't get myself caught up in the Jello jella
And pudding pops, that others opt to call falling in love
But for the record, have you ever rode a horse?
Time: 1:10
The ever evolving military industrial complex is bleaker than any fabricated hallucination
Opt for change? complicated with this two party system spinning without traction
The ever evolving military industrial complex is bleaker than any fabricated hallucination
Time: 0:48
If not impossible to come by
We could always opt for the more temporal gratification
Of sheer physical attraction
Time: 1:00
You sucked dry my bones, but you spit out my mole
I'll always opt to fall down these stairs in the end
Lovely people, lovely places
Time: 2:14
This is as real as it gets with weapons in hand
We opt to not lay down our guns
And if you decide that you