stupid; of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
Time: 2:00
You don't strike me as the type to be callous
But your words seem so obtuse
But then again, I know you feel guilty
Time: 0:16
I just wanna rock, at an angle
At an obtuse, calling on an obtuse
I just wanna rock, at an angle
Time: 3:08
We will litter the streets with their bones
And annihilate the dangerous and obtuse ideas poisoning your children
Endangering your freedom, giving rise to the destruction of the benevolent future we have prepared for you
Time: 0:00
Will you forgive me if I'm comin' off a little bit obtuse?
Well, it's been a minute now since I have had to tell the truth
Time: 0:44
Candy screen wrappers of silkscreen fantastic, requiring memories both lovely and guilt-free (Denigrate obtuse and active verbs, pronouns)
Lurid and lovely with twilight of ages, luscious and lovely and filthy with laughter (Skewer the sieve of the optical sewer)
Time: 1:49
The ones in the middle, they also must die
Their ways are obtuse and obscene
Time: 0:27
You thought would never marry
Used to be willfully obtuse
Or is the word abstruse?
Time: 0:54
Just trying to make a statement
Abstract and painting you obtuse
Slipping and speculating