mysterious; relating to or characteristic of mysticism
Time: 1:27
She said I looked like an American singer
Time, mystical time
Cutting me open, then healing me fine
Time: 1:46
Sara, oh Sara
Radiant jewel, a mystical wife
Sleepin' in the woods by a fire in the night
Time: 1:00
Time out of mind
I am holding the mystical sphere
It's direct from Lhasa
Time: 0:28
A lagoon by la mere, it's a foreign affair
Drifting and free on a mystical sea
A wishful emotion, a drop in the ocean
Time: 1:30
Not once, twice
I know the wind-swept mystical air
It means I'd like to see your underwear
Time: 2:09
Whistle along on the seventh day.
Deep red are the sunsets in mystical places,
Black are the nights on the summerday sands,
Time: 1:18
I don't believe in forever
Or love as a mystical state
I don't believe in the stars or the planets
Time: 1:40
There's something mystical in our genes
So simplistic, it kicks and screams
Time: 0:52
Lady evil, evil
She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady evil, evil in my mind
Time: 0:37
Tripping the wire, surrounded in time
I see this is mystical, I'm sure that you know
I see this is mystical, I'm sure that you know