generous; noble and generous in spirit
Time: 0:54
Oh, overlord
Please don't be magnanimous, protect your neck
Oh, overlord
Time: 1:23
Haven't felt like this in years
The great magnet of malicious magnanimous refuse
Let me go and
Time: 2:00
Then I realize, it's something in the past
My personality is magnanimous
That's why the ladies always cause a fuss
Time: 0:28
Who me I'm unaffected the Whale, the Hammerhead
The Magnanimous decision, unanimous, I am fed
What chu looking at, wait, I can help you with that
Time: 2:47
Emotional bandages, why would he abandon this?
Guess he couldn't handle it, the boss is magnanimous
War wound, Purple Heart, love veteran
Time: 2:10
They kiss my ring in interviews on bended knees
In victory, I'm magnanimous and charming when
I speak exclusively at length to CNN
Time: 0:32
Ratha Yatra, Festival of Chariots
Lord Caitanya's presence is Magnanimous
The Holy Name in congregation