unspeakable; defying expression or description
Time: 1:51
You breathe in the air, You shine in the light
O measureless might, ineffable love
While angels delight to worship above
Time: 1:49
For you so loved the unlovable
That you gave the ineffable
That who so believes the unbelievable
Time: 2:08
But of many generations
Not forgetting something that is probably quite ineffable
Time: 3:22
Et si, pont de l'Alma
J'ai pas noyé ma détresse ineffable
C'est que l'eau coulant sous
Time: 1:15
makes my dick throb
feel... ineffable
cant catch me
Time: 0:55
Defy the magnetic
Ineffable abysmal attraction
And show how deceitful it is
Time: 0:39
There's something in my soul
It's just ineffable
Mesmerizing (Uh)
Time: 1:51
Make use of me! Make use of this flame,
So that I can receive thy ineffable splendour with dignity, with dignity
Breathing wounds