unpredictable; liable to sudden unpredictable change
Time: 2:10
Oh, how I do adore the sight
Of his rather clumsy, erratic flight
And for now, I'm in my garden
Time: 3:08
Feeding on the wrath of man
Shoot back, erratic
Mad seasons take their toll
Time: 0:13
Getting a little erratic here
And I don't know who to trust
Time: 0:36
(Tracy Jacks) Is a golfing fanatic
(Tracy Jacks) But his putt is erratic
(Tracy Jacks) Saw a Harley Street doctor
Time: 0:49
I'm the dramatic static before the song begins
I'm the erratic energy that gets in your skin
And if you don't let me in
Time: 0:14
I used to read you, loud and clear
Not like this, it's so erratic
And I'm not rational when I see you around
Time: 1:05
Yeah! - Falling down I am a psychoholic
Erratic and sure I cannot fail
Replay slow smooth and automatic
Time: 0:58
Protect code intact leaves little time
Erratic surveys, free thinking not allowed
My hands shake, my push buttons silence
Time: 0:52
Or you may be sorry soon
Don't be erratic
Be diplomatic
Time: 0:50
Dilemma trebles
To balance erratic stance
Behind eyes hide