snobbish; someone who believes in rule by an elite group
Time: 0:38
Lookin' for something to complete us
And maybe lead us, fuck an elitist
Hell of a long way from equal is how they treat us
Time: 1:01
The vision of the future is like staring at the sun
God damn (god damn) the elitist ones
This is what we have become
Time: 0:19
Let's laugh at local record plants
Elitist hippies, arrogant cunts, Ian Beale, tight trunks
Tight pants, grammar wanker, walk the plank, pirate mankey
Time: 2:08
Flavor Flav cannot compete with me and please believe the leader sees
The weakening and strengthening between the thoughts of the elitist
He can beat the streets as people sleep within their beds so peacefully
Time: 1:37
The Masters, The Wall Street War Chiefs
The Elitists Groups
The Masses
Time: 1:15
Tyrannic authority cleansed by your aggressor
Inhuman elitist decline your surrender
Sign of the freak thriving on a bender
Time: 1:19
In love with France!
Yeah, he's so elitist!
I like that Aaron Burr!
Time: 2:33
No more elitists, it's all in vain
Your narrow judgment, won't change a thing
Time: 0:37
Kappo Masa with a G to my waiter
You can't define us, XY us, or Z us, you generational elitists
Have your chi in virtual think pieces
Time: 0:18
And we're still hating.
This was never meant to be a garden of roses, or elitist poses,
but you've forgotten.