reveal; make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few
Time: 0:40
But I won't divulge it all
I know that line
Time: 2:00
Tempt me with the secrets that you hold
Don't divulge until you're in control
Show me what you never meant to show
Time: 0:29
Here's your chance to make things right
Divulge the motives of these beings, can we even save our lives?
But your actions leave us stranded
Time: 0:53
And accept and admit
And divulge and open
And reach out and speak up
Time: 3:25
You're a disgrace to the concept of family
The priest won't divulge that fact in his homily
And I'll stand up and scream if the mourning remain quiet
Time: 0:00
It's not my place to divulge, but I can't help it
After you leave I feel guilty, but I know I meant it