fall apart; break into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity
Time: 1:44
Assassinate (assassinate)
Gather the tools to disintegrate (feed)
Hate (hate)
Time: 1:05
Suffocate, desecrate, devastate
Terminate, obliterate, disintegrate
I am the vicious
Time: 0:49
The world is lost and blown
And we are flesh and blood disintegrate
With no more to hate
Time: 2:35
Just watch the stars tonight as they
As they disappear, disintegrate
And I disintegrate
Time: 1:16
Where we disintegrate in love
Time: 0:18
I might disintegrate into the thin air if you'd like
I'm not the dark center of the universe like you thought
Time: 1:53
Exterminates all when vermin rebel
A maelstrom begins to disintegrate
And pulverize all in it's wake
Time: 1:34
I ask another question
The words disintegrate
The absence of presence fills the air
Time: 2:01
So, go drown in the bottle, it's a race to the bottom
I'm not gonna watch you disintegrate alone
Time: 7:04
Collapse the lungs
Disintegrate the mushroom
Join the volcano