condemn; speak out against
Time: 0:33
Denounce the demigods
King Diamond to discard
Time: 1:43
And spit upon the name Oliver Cromwell
And denounce this royal line
That still salute him and will salute him forever
Time: 0:22
Hold up your hand to the blade say you'll never denounce
Time: 2:00
Rhythm on your toes, yes it's the funk again
Appreciate the flow, denounce the circuit breakers
Do it with the best, the movers and the shakers
Time: 0:49
But I know you're crying for my help not of your own device
(Denounce, denounce) Denounce their cure, it's worse than the disease
(Denounce, denounce) Denounce their cure, deny their disbelief
Time: 0:44
Your friends don't tote a gun
My bones denounce the buckboard bounce
And the cactus hurts my toes
Time: 0:37
Reconcile. Understood. Contemplate.
Desecrate. To denounce. Detonate.
Tentative. To reject. Overdue.
Time: 0:52
Sue me, sue me, sue me, all you want
I won't, I won't denounce her origin
Time: 0:42
Trip along dusty road
Care denounce no overload
In as much as what's become
Time: 1:22
Denounce the lies that hold you
Don't look to the heavens