make holy; appoint to a clerical posts
Time: 0:45
Do it again
You said "Consecrate yourselves to me
And you will see amazing things"
Time: 3:09
Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Let me be the protege of five magics
Time: 0:12
Lurking in the darkness, they consecrate nightfall
A sacred rite destroys the light from purity withdrawn
Time: 3:40
While we are shining bright
The burning sermons consecrate their sin
Between the Hammer and the Anvil
Time: 1:59
I am a God before you
Consecrate the vampire ways
A culture crawling under your skin and
Time: 0:59
Hell behind the sun
We consecrate the blame, so evil has a name
Promise, not for keeping
Time: 1:01
Let's get married, I'll buy a ring and then we'll
Consecrate this messy love
Time: 0:47
Whilst I've been thinking about kissing you
I want to consecrate your body, turn the water to wine
I know you're thinking about kissing too
Time: 0:52
And in this land there's shade and shadow
We break bread and consecrate the battle
Cradle to the grave, put sword to the saddle, it's each other we will miss
Time: 1:31
To thy ever bleeding side
Consecrate me Lord, in thy service
By the power of grace divine