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Time: 1:03
Too real is this feeling of make believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal
Oh, oh, yes, I'm the great pretender
Time: 0:22
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
I can't conceal it, don't you see, can't you feel it?
Don't you too?
Time: 1:18
I won't let the teardrops spill tonight
Just conceal myself and hide
A portrait of my life
Time: 0:47
Darkest lights hidden from behind
The pain I have, I can't conceal
The hurt inside is dark, so real
Time: 0:26
Ready to go off any minute so you feel it
Because of the law, I had to conceal it
If you fuck around you gone make me reveal it ay
Time: 0:03
I can't conceal the tender feeling
Now that you are close to me
Time: 1:43
I gotta sweet feelin', I know it's real
Kind of love you can't conceal
I'd do anything, anything you can dream of
Time: 0:48
'Cause you know, you know that it's real
I can't conceal the way that I feel
I can't conceal the way, the way that I feel
Time: 1:46
Once more to be returning home.
When the hills conceal the setting sun
Stars begin a-peeping, one by one
Time: 2:17
Though you won't understand the way I feel
You conceal all there is to know
That's the way it goes