kind; intending or showing kindness
Time: 5:34
Shine on forever
Shine on, benevolent sun
Shine down upon the broken
Time: 2:54
She said, "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down"
It wasn't long after a benevolent man took me in off the streets
And one week later, I was pouring his tea
Time: 1:35
It's in our bones
To be benevolent
It's in our souls
Time: 1:05
We validate, rationalize, corroborate each others lives
Pat my back and I'll pat yours, benevolent conquistadors
We piss down throats, shit in cupped hands
Time: 0:06
I walk the blocks like whatever god, my message to y'all feds
Who desperate to arrest us young, benevolent hard heads
Abrochrombie and Finch rockin', wrist glistenin' marksman
Time: 0:42
Benevolent ritual of Death.
Grave and porcelain,
Time: 0:17
No, Medusa was not always a gorgon
No, my witch isn't always benevolent
She used me, an unwitting accomplice
Time: 0:57
What happened to your old
Benevolent universe?
You know the one with stars
Time: 0:14
And you sit there and watch the world go around
From your pseudo-benevolent vantage point
While we who've been left to pick up after you
Time: 1:02
Most benevolent of the quickening