real; conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
Time: 1:43
Underneath your own projections
Or change my most authentic life
Boy, come on, put your lipstick on (no one can tell you nothin')
Time: 2:12
When you're authentic, you're incredible
I like the view behind your eyes
Time: 0:09
Want that real shit
Real authentic
I don't want no
Time: 1:54
But I want to be the real thing
But if you catch my eye, can't be authentic
The one's I loath are the ones that know me the best
Time: 0:31
With no good sense of intention
She's authentic
She's a model of disaster
Time: 2:41
One day I will be faith filled
I'll be trusting and spacious, authentic and grounded and home
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Time: 0:24
A souvenir for Aunt Flo
Authentic Mexican yarn
Made in Idaho