separate; arouse hostility or indifference where there had formerly been love or friendliness
Time: 1:38
Or will it give a fuck about what others say and get gone?
They alienate-us 'cause we different, keep your hands to the sky
Like Sounds of Blackness when I practice what I preach, ain't no lie
Time: 0:25
But I just want to fly (fly away with you, you, you, you)
I don't want to be the one to alienate, yeah (alienate)
You see, I'm trying to find an alien in you (you, you, if it's cool, cool)
Time: 2:59
Food for thought or dumb the rhyme a little
But Will "if you come to high that'll alienate folks and they won't buy
Time: 0:34
The real McCoy is the look in your eyes
At rate that can alienate
This American selfish everything
Time: 1:23
I'm so sorry if I'm alienating some of you
Your whole fucking culture alienates me
Time: 1:13
Alienate me, learn to hate me
Crucify your ideals the flesh is the swine
Time: 1:22
Alienate, block out all amid the breaking of the light
See it again, and again, single sight
Time: 0:49
To give the world a view
To alienate the prime
Performing it's fictitious and confined
Time: 1:11
Gonna wear you down
Don't want to alienate you
As long as it might take you
Time: 0:26
When things don't go quite as planned
I don't want to alienate you
Or put phony words into your mouth