not on purpose; happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally
Time: 0:33
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental?
And the first night that you saw me
Time: 2:17
This sacrament is sacrilege and sentimental
Deity experimental, faith is accidental
I won't give another soul to you (I will never)
Time: 1:51
Lying in a pool of blood
An accidental death homicide
Expendable youth fighting for possession
Time: 0:17
Runnin' into someone just like you
Accidental touch
Turned into a gentle kiss or two
Time: 0:56
Panic in Detroit
He laughed at accidental sirens that broke the evening gloom
The police had warned of repercussions, they followed none too soon
Time: 0:58
In the rhythm, Santana licks the quits with precision
Not accidental intentional conscious decision
To Zion, we're marching through with African Mayans
Time: 1:14
Me sit at the public hospital. Crowd gather around, like it was a funeral. Aye!
Some said I accidental, heard the long youth had looked 'pon a fat girl.
Ridin' on my bicycle, got knocked down by a motorcycle
Time: 0:01
Writer John Schweers
I phoned her today, an accidental mistake
And her name slipped out to some friend
Time: 1:35
Am I losing your memory or mine?
Was it accidental or did I really want to
Am I losing your memory or mine?
Time: 3:18
It's your destiny, a stone within the wall
It's your destiny, no accidental call
It's your destiny, you were meant to be