ridiculousness; a message whose content is at variance with reason
Time: 2:21
Woman, child and man for sale
For ethical slavery is just an absurdity
How can you be alive when you are dead?
Time: 1:24
Too bad
You are in it, you can accept that you are absurdity
Go on
Time: 1:14
Can we have the next contestant, please?
In this logical absurdity (logical absurdity)
While quitting unexpectedly (quitting unexpectedly)
Time: 1:26
Serenades of oppositions
Absurdity, human fate and hope
True reflection of community
Time: 2:17
I dream frequently, sometimes they come out funny, ha
I live with absurdity, it's always warm and runny
And all these parties they get so ritual
Time: 6:15
In a self-important voice (I was outta line)
But then absurdity came over me
And I longed to lose control (into new mind)
Time: 2:00
And what could anything mean
In this crushing absurdity
I brought a chair from home
Time: 0:32
To walk away, ya' know that would've been absurd
And talk about absurdity, it was madness
It was everything in excess
Time: 0:19
I do my best to rehydrate you
at the risk of absurdity,*
There's nothing left between us
Time: 2:10
And my condition is clear
The height of an absurdity
But when we're lying down